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Our Staff

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the staff of Three Peaks Primary Academy. Staff at Three Peaks value the partnership between home and school and are contactable via the school office should you need to make an appointment to discuss any matters that arise.

Select a group to view the staff.

Senior Leadership Team


Role Staff member
Headteacher  Mr R Penn-Bourton
Deputy Headteacher Mrs J Shelton-Smith
Assistant Headteacher & SENDCo & Designated Safeguarding Lead & Senior Attendance Champion Miss M Stone




Year Staff member
Nursery Mrs N Cook
Reception Mrs E Woodward Miss K Brown (Maternity Leave)
Mrs L Gregory Mrs L Bentley
Year 1 Mrs H Watson Miss J Taylor
Year 2 Mrs A Pickering Mr A Barton
Year 3 Mrs J Shelton-Smith Mr D Moran
Year 4 Mr M Hughes Mr L Ball
Year 5 Mr J Birmingham Miss K Elkin (Maternity Leave)
Mrs K Hipkiss
Year 6 Mr C Imber Mrs L Mason


Classroom support staff


Key stage Staff member
EYFS Mrs C Harris Miss J Freedman
Mrs J Jones Mrs L Colloff
KS1 Mrs T Brown Mrs D Hall
Mrs J Cox
KS2 Mrs J Read Miss L Shuter
Mrs D Millward

Additional support staff


Role Staff member
HLTA Mrs K Frost  
Inclusion Support Assistants Mrs E Megeney  Mrs G Beesley
Mrs K Chance Mrs L Webb
Wraparound Care Leader Miss E Riley (Maternity Leave)
Interim Wraparound Care Leader Miss C Riley
Wraparound Care Assistants Mrs C Harris Mrs K Walton
Mr D Moran

Admin staff


Role Staff member
Business Support Officer/ PA to Headteacher Miss S Sandhu
Administrative Assistant Mrs C Palmer

Site staff 

Role Staff member
Site Manager Mr A McDonnell

Lunchtime supervisors 


Role Staff member



Lunchtime Supervisors

Mrs A Astley Miss G Askew
Mrs K Chance Mrs N Dainty
Mrs F Kearney Miss R Gallanagh
Mrs S Riley Miss D Sheldon
Mrs G Taylor Mrs K Walton
Miss R Williams